Welcome. This page tries to describe what is the best way to get support on dlFindDuplicates.
You are convinced to have found a bug. Please visit the tickets. Before entering it as a new bug, please be so kind checking if it is not already in. Also select the right "Type:" field, i.e. "Bug".
You would like to suggest a new feature. Please visit the tickets. Before entering it as a new feature, please be so kind checking if it is not already in. Also select the right "Type:" field, i.e. "Enhancement".
You just have a question. Please visit the tickets. Before entering it please be so kind checking if it is not already in or that it is not in the Faq. Also select the right "Type:" field, i.e. "Question".
If you feel you need to contact myself, feel free to mail me. Please include clearly dlFindDuplicates in the subject. I will try to answer it as soon as possible.
dlFindDuplicates - (C)2014 Jos De Laender <jos@de-laender.be>